
About Us

Cleveland Residences was launched in 1995, and over the years, we’ve steadily added more properties to our London portfolio, each one of which is managed directly by us. As we have been operating in this sector for more than quarter of a century, we have earned and upheld an impressive reputation as a reliable and responsible landlord that puts its guests first.

We not only take great pride in the high-quality of our properties, but also in the outstanding customer service we provide for our guests, ensuring that they enjoy exemplary convenience and comfort. We’re always available to deal with any issues our guests may have, however large or small, and thanks to our professional and friendly team of dedicated staff, we’re committed to ensuring our guests are always satisfied with their accommodation.

Our Mission

Unlike many of our competitors, we aren’t striving to be the biggest real estate company in the marketplace. We’re only interested in being the best. That’s why we’re eager to embrace change and to challenge the traditional way of doing things so that we can bring innovations and improvements to the industry.

We’ve made it our mission to provide easy, speedy services for our guests’ comfort and convenience, and we continuously evolve and adopt new changes to make sure our guests can enjoy the best possible experience while staying with us.

Our Approach

We’ve taken the time to find out what our guests really want and need from their accommodation, and then we’ve made it our aim to address those requirements. That’s why we take great care to employ staff who are attentive, approachable, and who go the extra mile for our guests.

Our team are committed to ensuring the high-quality upkeep of our apartments and the buildings within which they’re located. To that end, we base our offices within our rental buildings, so our tenants can easily contact us to get help with even the smallest problem that they may experience while staying with us.

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